Honolulu, HI
I called and was able to schedule a safety check appointment for 2 PM on 3/31/2015. They told me on the phone and at the time I got there it would take 1.5 hours. I was ok with that. I should've known the second I got there, my experience wouldn't be good. I got there and didn't know where to go. After many mechanics walking around, one came up to my car and told me where to go. Since the wait time was long (but bearable) I walked to a near by restaurant. But not after waiting a few minutes in their waiting room (which had old furniture, no coffee, and reeked of cigarette smoke). I came back about 3 and saw new faces in the waiting room. I realized these people were leaving before me. 3:45 comes around and I ask a girl what is the status of my car. I assume it was towards the end of the check. I was WRONG. She didn't have the "balls" to tell me it wasn't even serviced yet, just that a mechanic will come by ASAP. I thought it meant come by to drop off the paperwork. At 4, I said I can't be here any longer (I was a very long lunch break to begin with). I told the girl I want my car back and that's when I realized no one even looked at my car. 2 hours of my life I will not get back. 2 hours my car sat in the lot. Why any business schedules an appointment and not keep their word is mind boggling! Lex has 3x the staff of Jiffy Lube, but takes 3x as long... If they actually do what they say they will do.