Honolulu, HI
About 20 years ago I drove into the Queen St. location to have someone to look at my tires. Fortunately, a guy named Barney Griggs serviced my truck and replaced my tires that was on its last leg or in your own vernacular, last tire. Due to his outstanding service and helpful nature I'm still a loyal customer at Lex Brodie's after all these years even though Barney has moved from the Queen St. location to Waipahu, to Pearl City, and now back to the Queen St. location, before he finally retires. In most companies where employees routinely come and go, Barney has always been there to solve my brake, tire or belt/hose problems with outstanding customer service. On one occasion, when he knew I had transmission problems he helped me find someone that could do the work. He, to me, deserves the highest honor your company can bestow on an employee. IMHO.