Honolulu, HI
I had initially gone in for a slow leak & a tire rotation. They did the rotation & did not address my slow leak. Your staff told me the tire lite on my car went off because the tire pressure in all 4 tires was off which I found very unusual being I never touch my tires other thank to wash them. I left your lot & by the time I was in Aiea my light went off again & I had to find a gas station & buy some air. When arriving in Mililani, again had to buy air. Then the next morning my tire is flat, had to hussle a ride to work & back. The following morning, wait for your tow people to come & put my spare on, drive back to Honolulu, drop off the tire, go to work (which I was late that morning), go back to your lot after work to have the tire put back on (which took almost an hour making me, once again, late for a dinner meeting that nite). The tow guy showed me the screw in the tire. Don't know how you folks missed it initially unless you never looked for it. I felt like I was being blown out the door w/ the BS about the tire pressure in all 4 tires being off. Your manager did his best to sooth my ruffled feathers. I understand people make mistakes but this seemed terribly lazy on the part of the initial person who worked on the car. I would think this person would've addressed the slow leak before the rotation. Very inconvenient.