Honolulu, HI
Since Wednesday, June 19th was a Holiday and I was off so I decided to get my oil changed, rotate my tires, and get a safety check. I made an appointment for 10:00 am, thinking everything would be done by noon. I arrived at Lex Brodies on Queen Street for my scheduled appointment, the place was packed with cars, I guess others had the same idea. I was told it was going to take 5 hours. I was okay, I think I can kill 5 hours in Kaka'ako. Well, long story short, the work wasn't done until 5:00 pm. Where most businesses would come up with excuses on why it took so long, Lex Brodie sincerely apologized and said "Your oil changed, rotation of tires, and safety check has been comped". That is how you do customer service! Thank you very much!