Honolulu, HI
Was scheduled for an alignment on Thursday morning. I was supposed to be 2nd appointment at 9:00. I walked over and grabbed some breakfast around the corner and when I got back my car was still not on the rack and they told me had 2 more in front of me! I was a little irate and asked if I could talk to the boss. He was apologetic, said they were short-handed that day and would I like to reschedule. I said sure- give me the first day I can be first up in the morning. He said how about tomorrow- can I be there at 7:00. I said sure, and to make sure I got there at 6:00. Took me right in and my car came off the rack and I was out of there by 8:15. Lex came through for me- "THANK YOU, VERY MUCH!"