Posted on 8/15/2017
Most motorist are practically unaware what shocks and struts do, or are unaware that they even have them on their vehicle. The fact is that without shocks and/or struts, our vehicles would be dangerous and almost impossible to drive. The shocks and/or struts on your vehicle are very vital toward your vehicles performance, comfort, and safety. The primary duties of the shock or strut is to dampen the spring movement in your suspension and keep your tires in contact with the surface of the road. If you took all the shocks off a vehicle (on a vehicle with 4 shocks) your car would ride as if you were on a waterbed. After each bump, you vehicle would bounce until gravity stopped the movement. Vehicles equipped with struts would not be capable of moving if the struts were removed. Your struts and shocks are that important. Worn shocks and struts affect handling, ride, stopping distance while braking, and tire wear. How long do struts and shocks last and when should I change them? Since s ... read more