Posted on 9/27/2024

When it comes to maintaining your vehicle, tire care is often one of the most overlooked aspects. However, tires play a significant role in your car's performance, safety, and fuel efficiency. While many drivers may be tempted to replace just one tire at a time, it's recommended to replace tires in pairs or sets of four. But why is that the case? Uneven Tire Wear and Why It Matters Tires naturally wear out over time due to the constant friction they endure while making contact with the road. However, they don't all wear out at the same rate. The front tires, for example, typically wear down faster than the rear ones, especially on front-wheel-drive vehicles, since they handle the brunt of the steering and braking. If you only replace one tire, you introduce a tire with more tread depth alongside an older, worn tire. This uneven tread can lead to imbalanced handling, poor traction, and an overall unsafe driving experience. Replacing tires in pairs ensures ... read more